Digital Drapes
At Yonge-Dundas Square

Digital Drapes is the convergence of art, technology, and architecture, using 24,000 LED's to create vibrant visualizations that bring a landmark building in the heart of Yonge-Dundas Square to life.
State-of-the-art software and hardware systems drive real-time control of nearly 1 km of LEDs separated into 40 grids that power the 80-foot tall, 35-foot wide installation - one of the largest low-res installations ever created in the Yonge-Dundas Square.
A custom set of vibrant, geometric visualizations were inspired and crafted to work together with this historic building's architecture. The result is an experience of the entire building itself being alive - captivating the imagination of all who view it.
Teaser: Digital Drapes @ Yonge-Dundas Square
Watch the Full Show
Full Show: Digital Drapes @ Yonge-Dundas Square
The Digital Drapes Series
Digital Drapes is an installation series that represents the crossover of light, motion, and architecture, where all the windows of a building's facade are covered in grids of programmable LEDs that can be controlled pixel-by-pixel, in real-time.
Dynamic visualizations are created that work with the unique geometry of each building, turning the entire space into a vibrant, interactive canvas.

The Artist
I'm Matt - A multi-media artist from Waterloo, working primarily with large scale LED installations to explore how light and motion play with space and time.
I bring over 15 years of digital design and development experience into my art installations and look to create pieces that push the bounds of what is possible, and bring wonder and interactivity to the public realm.
Special Thanks
I'd like to thank the sponsors of this installation and the Illuminite event:
Government of Canada
City of Toronto
Downtown-Yonge BIA
HNR Properties
I'd like to thank the following people who helped make this happen:
Patrick Wilkie
Cedric Puddy
Rebecca Stubbs
Rose Potts
Miranda Drexler
John Potts
Shawn Carnahan
Matt Bolger